Monday, August 20, 2007
A Starr shines in Bakersfield
We knew from day one that if we we're going to plant a church we we're going to do it in community. From the beginning we were thinking and praying about who God might call to be a part of this adventure. Eric Starr has been a friend of ours since he was in a highschool small group we led in Bartlesville. As God started guiding us and planting the seeds of this adventure in our hearts, He was working in Eric's heart as well. After many late night conversations about the Kingdom and the church, over summer and holiday breaks in the years since Eric left High School, we invited him to be a part of what God was calling us to. The truth is when I invited him I didn't know where we were going or wether or not there would be any money to pay him. How's that for a job offer a few months before graduating with your masters fom Duke University. "Come with us to plant a church, we don't know where we're going and we have no money to offer you, but we'd sure love to have you". But Eric took a leap of faith said yes, and now he's here. I'm stoked to start moving forward in this Kingdom adventure with a partner in crime.
Church Planting,
Duke Univerity,
Eric Starr
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Becky is Blogging
Becky decided to start blogging about family stuff check her out at or follow the link to the right of this post.
Coming and Going
We had our first Informational meeting about the plant on Sunday. We only invited people from our partnering churches to this one, I had the opportunity to speak at each of the churches over the last three weeks and cast some vision as well as tell the story of how God brought us here. We had prayed God would bring just the right people to this meeting. One of the things we felt strongly about was the need to make sure if people from our partnering churches came that they were coming for the right reasons. The following is my list of reasons to come, not to come, and questions to ask yourself before coming.
Reasons not to come (anyone of these alone are disqualifiers)
• Upset at someone in the church. (seek to restore the relationship)
• I believe the church is doing something unbiblical. (follow Matt 18)
• I’m looking for something that I enjoy more. (consumerism vs servanthood)
• This seems more exciting. (the new will wear off)
• The church I’m at won’t do ________. (am I driven by my agenda or do I feel called)
• If I leave, are there others who would perceive that I left for any of these reasons, ask. (the self deception test)
Reasons to Come (all three of these should be part of the decision)
• I love to serve.
• I have a passion to see those far from God find Him.
• I feel called.
Leaving Well Questions
• Where will my going leave a hole in ministry.
• Where will my going leave a hole in fellowship.
• How can I help fill any potential holes before I leave.
• Who do I need to talk to before I go.
If you have others you think should be in here drop a comment.
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Reasons not to come (anyone of these alone are disqualifiers)
• Upset at someone in the church. (seek to restore the relationship)
• I believe the church is doing something unbiblical. (follow Matt 18)
• I’m looking for something that I enjoy more. (consumerism vs servanthood)
• This seems more exciting. (the new will wear off)
• The church I’m at won’t do ________. (am I driven by my agenda or do I feel called)
• If I leave, are there others who would perceive that I left for any of these reasons, ask. (the self deception test)
Reasons to Come (all three of these should be part of the decision)
• I love to serve.
• I have a passion to see those far from God find Him.
• I feel called.
Leaving Well Questions
• Where will my going leave a hole in ministry.
• Where will my going leave a hole in fellowship.
• How can I help fill any potential holes before I leave.
• Who do I need to talk to before I go.
If you have others you think should be in here drop a comment.
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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Trukin' Update 1.0

We've got the truck now. It's in great shape and was a great price. We've got the serving window and graphic wrap ordered. One huge praise is that we will be getting the wrap free thanks to Group Imaging They have given us unlimited banner printing for a year. PTL! We're on the look out for the A/V system, bounce house and freezer to finish it off. We're probably going to need to put new tires on the rear, and new batteries to get it running perfect. We're pulling all the shelving out now. We'll keep you posted as we make progress.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Weakness and Glory
…“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (1Cor. 12:9-10)
It's been one of those days. The administrative details are piling up. I'm emensely thankful for the planters who have gone before us, and the people and organizations who have gathered best practices and are passing them on. God has blessed us with relationships with people and organizations who are dedicated to helping Church planters in general and us in particular. PTL!
However, there are always details that have to be addressed by the planter, this week is full of those and I can see no light at the end of the tunnel. So many administrative tasks… so little administrative ability. And so I hang on to the truth of this verse. I told God several years ago I wanted to be a part of something bigger than me by a long shot, something that could only be accomplished if God came through in a big way.
I'm feeling that prayer being answered. If Kaleo goes on to reach hundreds or thousands of people with the message of God's love it will be because God moved beyond the gifts and abilities He's given me, our staff, and launch team and made it happen in His strength. So I'll boast now in my weaknesses because my desire and prayer is that God will do something so amazing that it will be obvious that He made it happen; that no one will ever think for one moment that we had the leadership skills, charisma, organizational sense, creativity or any other abilty to make it happen.
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It's been one of those days. The administrative details are piling up. I'm emensely thankful for the planters who have gone before us, and the people and organizations who have gathered best practices and are passing them on. God has blessed us with relationships with people and organizations who are dedicated to helping Church planters in general and us in particular. PTL!
However, there are always details that have to be addressed by the planter, this week is full of those and I can see no light at the end of the tunnel. So many administrative tasks… so little administrative ability. And so I hang on to the truth of this verse. I told God several years ago I wanted to be a part of something bigger than me by a long shot, something that could only be accomplished if God came through in a big way.
I'm feeling that prayer being answered. If Kaleo goes on to reach hundreds or thousands of people with the message of God's love it will be because God moved beyond the gifts and abilities He's given me, our staff, and launch team and made it happen in His strength. So I'll boast now in my weaknesses because my desire and prayer is that God will do something so amazing that it will be obvious that He made it happen; that no one will ever think for one moment that we had the leadership skills, charisma, organizational sense, creativity or any other abilty to make it happen.
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