Our preview was far more than I hoped it would be. Blessed is the best way to describe how I feel. I kept having the wonderful feeling of just being along for the ride, it was as though someone else was planting the church and I was plugging in to help wherever I could, this is exactly what I've prayed for from the beginning, that this would be Christ's church plant and I would be His servant doing His bidding. There is no greater feeling than submitting to God's plan for your life and allowing Him to lead and direct you. It gives me more motivation to share the good news because I'm experiencing just how good it is. As for the details–we had five families there that had no prior association with Kaleo. That is exciting! Several of them expressed their desire to be part of our launch and one of them asked why we couldn't just launch now! Including our volunteers and well wishers from our partner churches there were 68 of us total. I'm so grateful for all the people God has brought in as co-laborers this couldn't have happened without them. I'm also grateful for what has to be the worlds best church planting venue hands down.(check back for pics soon) Here's my cumulative thought from our almost three year journey in church planting so far.
Ask God to do through you something so incredible only he can get the glory, listen for His call, accept His invitation, recognize and confess your own agenda to Him, take a leap of faith, strive to do everything big and small as an act of worship to Him, remember His power works best in your weakness, keep trusting in His strength and goodness and enjoy the greatest adventure you'll ever have. You won't regret it.
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